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Costa Rica: Face of Justice

New Home scheduled to open in 2024

Socioeconomic Context

The child sex industry is a significant issue in Costa Rica, and most child sexual exploitation occurs in connection with tourism. It is estimated that over 5,000 people visit Costa Rica for sex tourism annually (UNICEF, 2021).

What We Fund

The Hovde Home provides emotional, spiritual and physical rehabilitation for girls between the ages of 13 and 17 years old that have identified by the government as victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. As the only safe house in Costa Rica exclusively serving to this population, the home offers expanded outreach to care for 24 girls in a loving to recover their lives.

About Our Partner

Face of Justice defends, shelters, empowers, and loves survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation and the men, women and children working in prostitution. They offer intervention, prevention, and restoration programs that serve about 200 people annually.

To learn more please visit Face of Justice’s official site

map locating the country of Costa Rica
